Viewers Responses

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Flora Still

Flora, Charles Street Video Gallery, 2019

“So I found that here in the West we try to force hair into a narrow definition of what hair should be.”


Renjie, Charles Street Video Gallery, 2019

We certainly have certain adages like “Hey you know what, clothes make the man.” Or you know what, we judge people based on the first impression. And a lot of the times, it is the way we are clothed.


Anonymous, Charles Street Video Gallery, 2019

“I can see how hard it must be to want to express yourself with your clothing choices but then being afraid of how people are going to perceive you.”


Sol, Charles Street Video Gallery, 2019

 In my opinion, I feel like we live in a society now that is more accepting to women underdressing, but they have a problem with women covering up, which is really contradictory to me when it comes to the idea of freedom, because freedom should be to do and wear whatever you want…..